Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Musings of a Sinful Mother

Sometimes I am ashamed of myself. As I lay in bed last night contemplating the day, I realized my eleven year old son has more patience with his brother than I do. When a situation gets tense, he is more likely to bring humor to the situation than to get angry. With me, it is just the opposite.

Not surprisingly, my boys' relationship with one another is thriving, while I struggle to connect with my middle son. I suppose it's confession time, eh?

Usually, when this starts happening I know it's time to spend more of my day on my knees and less of it doing all the million things that seem so urgent in the moment. Sigh... My hope lies in the Lord of the universe, otherwise I may just ignore my issues and trip merrily on my way. In the moment, that would be easier but ultimately, my son would suffer even more than he already

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